X Over IP. Fill in the X and you join the millions of technology visionaries and entrepreneurs who want the masses to utilize Internet Protocol (IP) as their data delivery mechanism. Voice over IP, Fax over IP, Video over IP - known to most as IP videoconferencing. Add video surveillance and security monitoring to that ever-growing list. With the explosion of "over IP" capabilities, one must acknowledge that we're moving into a truly digital world.

Video over IP is happening. For many large companies, it's been happening for years. The broadcast video market was primed for IP video with the mass acceptance of digital video and the use of digital video recorders. Digital recording eliminated the requirement of converting analog video to digital and opened the door for adding video capabilities to the network. IP-compatible compression technologies inherent in today's digital cameras transmit digital video data over IP where it can be viewed in real time. Furthermore, IP videoconferencing has been around for more than a decade, and many companies have the backbone already in place.

Why IP?

IP is virtually ubiquitous. While there may still be some US households without Internet connectivity, the overwhelming number of US businesses relies on Web access for their email, e-commerce, marketing efforts and much more.

IP is a more cost effective transport mechanism, based on a packet-switched transport nature that maximizes bandwidth. Advanced compression technologies let users send large amounts of data over the Internet to a variety of recipients.

But IP is not without its faults. Companies need to provide enough bandwidth to ensure the flow of data and network processes. IT departments are reluctant to assign static IP addresses to multiple devices, as it requires additional upkeep and maintenance on their end. Then there are firewall issues that must be addressed to ensure the integrity of the data and the network.

But it's the bandwidth issues that have historically prevented companies from adopting video-networking capabilities en masse. Cameras that are shooting video over the Internet are using up bandwidth at a very fast rate. If you have a 100 BaseT Ethernet network, realistically you're not going to sacrifice 25 or 30 percent (a conservative estimate) of your capacity to run security cameras.

JVC's Answer

JVC is tying it all together in a simplified way. With the demonstration of the JVC V-NETWORKS VDR-100 video data recorder system, JVC has overcome the more serious IP networking obstacles and is offering one of the first practical answers for enterprises that want to go digital with their security solutions - reliably, affordably and intelligently (from a bandwidth usage standpoint).

The V-NETWORKS VDR-100 is an embedded networked solution that has storage and network security system in a single box. Each VDR can support up to 16 cameras and allow high-quality images to be viewed and managed with optimal bandwidth usage.

This digital video networking solutions allows a single static IP address to support thousands of cameras. The system's scalable architecture supports the needs of the enterprise, letting companies add additional VDRs, cameras and storage hardware based on your video surveillance needs.

The VDR is simple to install, simple to configure and simple to operate, and each VDR can be set up to record cameras based on priority, individual frame rate and individual resolution. Only the requested video traffic, based on priority and alarms, is then transmitted at the network level, eliminating the drain on network bandwidth. In this network configuration, each VDR stores its recorded data locally, but can be viewed, accessed and managed both remotely and locally.

For example: In a company's New York City site, a motion detector detects someone walking through the door. The motion detector triggers the camera to start sending the live video over IP to the proper network set up to handle such an intrusion. Once the person leaves the range of the camera and activity ceases, the camera becomes dormant and stops transmitting over IP. Throughout this whole scenario, the local VDR records and stores all of the visual data. Only the requested or prioritized video is sent over IP, saving the bandwidth for other cameras as requested and for other important network traffic.

The VDR-100 has extensive storage management and security features. The system utilizes Write Once Read Many (WORM) storage for unalterable recordings, ensuring video integrity. Integrated RAID-1 and RAID-5 storage ensure the video's high reliability and utilizes the latest compression technologies to keep the size of data stored at a minimum. User-friendly search functionality allows fast access to requested image data.

As new cameras are added to the system, a discovery packet is sent by the VDR to the camera to identify and configure the camera automatically, as well as to add the camera to the dynamic firewall, protecting the cameras from inside the network and protecting the entire network from hackers.

The VDR eliminates the need for cumbersome coaxial cable and allows digital video to be recorded directly to the network device. Connection between the camera, VDR and network is via standard CAT 5, CAT5R or CAT 6 twisted pair cable.

The entire V-Networks Product line is designed to give you superior image quality and convenience while providing you with a platform that will grow with technology.

If you have any additional questions, please contact JVC PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS COMPANY at (800) 582-5825, or Beth Marotta of PFS Marketwyse at 973-812-8883.
