JVC Model: GY-DV5000U 3-CCD Camcorder, BR-DV6000U Recorder
User Name:
Thomas C. Crocker
Countdown Productions, Inc.
Dallas, TX
Based in Dallas, Texas, industry veteran Independent Director of Photography, Thomas Crocker has worked for nearly every major national and international production company and news organization. He has always demanded the best production and editing equipment available, and recently selected the JVC GY-DV5000U as his primary camera for a 9-day corporate project in Italy.
"The restaurant clients who hired me have over 2500 employees nationwide and internationally. The primary demographic is 18-25 years of age and all nationalities. I produce bi-lingual productions for these restaurant employees and incorporate mixed media in all of my final productions."
"I needed a light weight, compact, dependable, high performance camera and deck for a nine day international junket to Italy. My plan was to take my Betacam SP unit but the sheer weight, battery consumption and tape length gave me a total feeling of dread and sense of disaster. I was the only production person out of the four traveling companions and I was on my own. I inspected over 8 different DV and DV cameras built by every major manufacturer. I was totally blown away by the JVC 5000U and what I saw as the vastly superior lay out, features and ease of use."
"The trip to Italy was a huge success. The footage turned out beyond my expectations and I plan on using this unit for trips to Puerto Vallarta and Cancun later this year; along with a portable Avid hybrid Beta-DV editing system."
About the GY-DV5000U camera:
"Low cost! Size, weight, battery consumption, LCD panel,
ease of audio connection, easy to use user inputs, low light sensitivity,
several DV Cam tape size choices, various imaging features, styling,
ruggedness, and general well 'koolness'".
"I saw 3 Betacam crews during my visit in Italy and they had 3 people handling camera, tripod and monitor. I used a mono-pod, had the pull out LCD color monitor plus the eye cup and I was totally self contained. I could check my images immediately and allow client to view each take for their approval. The battery life was unbelievable.I took 4 IDX batteries and I was never out of battery life. I was very, very impressed and pleased with my purchase."
About Countdown Productions, Inc.
Thomas C. Crocker has been an independent Director of Photography
since 1986 and a professional shooter and editor since 1979. Building
on a Missouri BJ degree, his career covers the gamut of camera
gear, events, news and personalities.
"I left my CP 16 behind and picked up a TK 76 in 1980 and never looked back. I left news in 1982 and have worked for nearly every major national and international production company and news operation."
"I purchased by first Betacam in 1986 and have upgraded gear and Avid editing package about every 5 years. Recently, I traveled to Italy on a nine day corporate culinary junket and purchased the JVC 5000U for the project. My expectations regarding the unit for such a strenuous trip were high and I wasn't sure how everything would work out. I was pleasantly surprised."
Mr. Crocker can be reached by E-mail at tcrocker@flash.net.