Wayne, NJ (July 21, 2008) – Award-winning
children’s program, Aqua Kids, travels
the globe with JVC’s GY-HD110 cameras to share its adventures with and educate
young people about the importance of protecting marine life.
Currently shooting its second
season in HD, George Stover, Producer/Director of Photography, Aqua Kids discusses a typical shooting
day, “We’re always out on the ocean with salt water splashing, and waves
crashing, and sometimes up to our waists shooting in water. And not once, over the two years that we’ve
been using JVC’s cameras, have we had any kind of head clog due to moisture or
humidity. We shoot in some of the most
extreme conditions. I’m really impressed
with the durability of JVC’s cameras,” said Stover.
Stover initially bought JVC’s
GY-HD110s to shoot a pilot for Discovery Channel called Stuart Cove’s Great Shark Shootout. “We just loved the quality of the footage and the
editing process was seamless. So we went
ahead and shot Aqua Kids with it,” he
added. “The image is amazing. We love the cameras because they are
lightweight and compact, which is perfect for us since we shoot on location
throughout the world. But what really
sold us on the GY-HD110 was the lens.
JVC has a real lens, unlike a lot of other cameras that have a little
piece of plastic on the front.”
Aqua Kids
is shot on mini DV HD tapes and edited in HD. Stover explains his philosophy on
recording to tape, “I am a believer that you should always have a tape because
you can put the taped footage on the shelf and it’s always there to use as a
back-up. I’m really glad JVC developed a
camera that has tape capability in HD. A
lot of cameras with little drives and the little disks aren’t as reliable. If the hard drive melts down, you’ve lost
everything. Having the tape option is a
real plus.” Aqua Kids also uses JVC’s BR-HD50 ProHD deck and edits in Final Cut
Pro 6.
Stover added, “We will be
ready in February when it’s mandated that everything be broadcast in HD. Right now, we bring it down to 16x9 standard
definition for broadcast. The HD
transition will be seamless for us.”
With 26 episodes per season,
Aqua Kids shoots about three hours of
footage per episode. A fan of the IDX V-Mount
battery, Stover said, “We literally shoot at least two hours of tape before
changing batteries, which is fabulous.”
Aqua Kids
airs on 184 stations throughout the US,
Guam, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and
on several international networks. For
more information on Aqua Kids, visit www.aquakids.tv.
For more information and
high-resolution photos of JVC’s GY-HD110 and other JVC ProHD products, please
visit the JVC web site at www.jvc.com/pro.
JVC Professional Products
Company, located in Wayne, New Jersey, is a leading manufacturer and
distributor of a complete line of broadcast and professional equipment. For
more information about this, or any other JVC Professional Products Company
product, contact JVC at (800) 582-5825; or Candace
Vadnais at PFS Marketwyse 973-812-8883, ext. 430 or visit JVC’s Web site at http://www.jvc.com/pro.