JVC Streamcorder Streams Fourth of July Event

To celebrate the national holiday of our independence, Olive Crest Homes & Services For Abused Children, in participation with JVC Professional Products Company, CBS Studio Center, the Studio City Chamber of Commerce and Country 93.9 KZLA presented the

Michael Klausman, President, CBS West Coast Operations; Larry Librach, JVC AVP, Digital Systems Division; Chris Cagle; Bob Mueller, JVC Executive Vice President; Perry King.
Michael Klausman, President, CBS West Coast Operations; Larry Librach, JVC AVP, Digital Systems Division; Chris Cagle; Bob Mueller, JVC Executive Vice President;
Perry King.

Fourth Annual Studio City 4th of July Picnic and Fireworks Spectacular.

Open to the public as a vehicle to raise money and public awareness for Olive Crest and their mission of annually serving over 3,000 abused children and their families, the event featured rising country stars Hank Floyd, Fanny Grace, Deedee O'Malley and headliner Chris Cagle. Also in attendance were many VIPs that included Los Angeles County Sheriff Leroy "Lee" Baca and well-known actors including, Perry King, who has served as the spokesperson for Olive Crest and offered his services for over 20 years, Len Lesser, better known as Uncle Leo on Seinfeld, executives from CBS Studio Center and local government officials. The evening ended with a live fireworks show.

JVC representatives Matt Barrett and Doug Mullin filming the event .
JVC representatives Matt Barrett and
Doug Mullin filming the event .

For those unable to attend the event, JVC Professional used its new technology to bring the event into the home, streaming live through the GY-DV300U Streamcorder and the KA-DV300U streaming adapter onto a Web site created specifically for the event at www.ForOliveCrest.com.

To accommodate all users, the Webcast was produced in dual streams - one GY-DV300U was set at 128K for broadband users and one at 32K for dial-up users. The camera crew utilized four Streamcorders in total. Two of the four cameras were used to stream the live concert and the remaining two were used for remote location and pressroom interviews. All interviews were recorded on compact flash cards and immediately posted for viewing on the Web site. The live stream was simultaneously recorded to tape for future viewing.

Olive Crest CEO Donald Verleur, JVC's Larry Librach and Perry King.
Olive Crest CEO Donald Verleur, JVC's Larry Librach and Perry King.

The live stream was possible via the streaming software included with the JVC GY-DV300U stream package, StreamProducer. StreamProducer acts as a four-way video/stream switcher, allowing the user to switch from live footage coming from the GY-DV300U to pre-recorded or pre-encoded segments such as the interviews recorded onto the compact flash cards. Active streams were maintained through two Dell laptops, running StreamProducer for over eight hours, including setup time. Sample Digital, based in Santa Monica, CA provided enough bandwidth for 10,000 users worldwide to enjoy the concert.

JVC technical team (Vinny Cozzi, Dennis Chominsky, Doug Mullin and Matt Barrett) running StreamProducer software to broadcast the concert live.
JVC technical team (Vinny Cozzi, Dennis Chominsky, Doug Mullin and Matt Barrett) running StreamProducer software to broadcast the concert live.


This event gave JVC the opportunity to demonstrate the power of the GY-DV300U and show how creative IP technology can enhance live productions to include an entirely new audience in remote locations.

To view more photos from the event, click here.