With an IP camera, the user can use special video management software to display and record pictures. Because all processing is done by software, this creates an environment amenable to cameras with different resolutions. So with up-to-date technology on an up-to-date camera, it's easier than ever to deliver high resolution images. Recent IP cameras include some megapixel products, so products are increasingly superior to analog cameras in terms of resolution.
IP cameras use progressive scanning, meaning that each frame is displayed in one scan. This contrasts with the interlaced scanning of analog cameras, which use two fields to create each frame. Pictures with progressive scanning show less of the blurring to which interlaced scanning is prone and thus offer a higher quality image.
Clear high resolution pictures are suitable for a wide range of applications beyond monitoring. Examples include analysis of captured images to identify individuals and recognizing and using letters and numbers. Such applications are only possible with high resolution pictures; poor quality pictures are not useful in the same way.