BR-DV3000U(B) Frequently Asked Questions
What are the part numbers for the manuals for this VCR?
What is the wired remote number for this VCR?
Why does the VCR record Y/C input as letterbox from my NLE?

What are the part numbers for the manuals for this VCR?

The Instruction book is LLT0024-001A.
The Service Manual is NO.9391.

What is the wired remote number for this VCR?

The standard RM-G30U has a 3.5mm miniplug that connects to this VCR and provided simple VCR functions. It has no Jog shuttle.

Why does the VCR record Y/C input as letterbox from my NLE?

Years ago there was a plan to use a bias voltage on the Y/C signal to indicate that the image was 16:9. This standard was never adopted but to this day some combinations of equipment from different manufacturers do show this when used together. The BR-DV3000U(B) has a setting in a service that will disable this DC voltage bias. This information can be obtained from a JVC Sales Engineer or Field Service Engineer.

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