HDTV -- D-9 HD format

demand for HDTV production equipment
ready to explode, JVC has developed
a 100 Mbps extension to D-9.
HD is uniquely able to record
the volume of data necessary
to achieve a true High Definition
picture. By using a newly developed
compression engine as well as
all new IC's, D-9 HD can produce
a 100 Mbps HDTV signal on a
single cassette - in either
the 720P or the 1080i format.
standard D-9, D-9 HD uses parallel
recording using twice the number
of heads as D-9. D-9 HD has
four independently editable
audio channels. Eight (uncompressed)
audio channels are possible
with the optional metering and
connector frame. This is a crucial
feature required for Dolby AC-3
surround sound mastering, as
well as for multi-language dubbing
and complicated production and
post-production assignments.
HD provides JVC's core customer
base of installed D-9 users
with a fully integrated path
to High Definition. Importantly,
the D-9 HD format uses the same
tape as D-9 and previously recorded
50 Mbps D-9 tape can be played
back on D-9 HD VTRs. This capability
allows all users to preserve
their current libraries, and
helps television stations ease
into HDTV broadcasting.
JVC's D-9 and D-9 HD formats
provide the widest range of
users with a superior migration
path to Digital TV and HDTV
broadcasting by providing a
fully integrated SDTV and HDTV
solution at an incredibly affordable