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Raycom Accelerates Adoption to HD News with JVC Cameras (November 7, 2008)
Electronic House Expo West Press Announcements (November, 2008)
WKRC-TV (Cincinnati) Launches New Studio with JVC ProHD Cameras (October 30, 2008)
ISC EAST Press Announcements (October '08)
JVC Reveals NewDetails And Revised Specifications For New D-ILA Home TheaterProjectors (September 25 '08)
ASIS 2008 Press Announcements (September '08)
IBC 2008 Press Announcements (September '08)
CEDIA 2008 Press Announcements (September '08)
Johnson & Johnson Commercials of Olympic athletes"Thanks Mom" campaign shot with GY-HD250 cameras (August '08)
Political Satire
Dirty Politics
Shot in HD with JVC GY-HD250 Cameras Premieres August 16
(August '08)
Little People, Big World
Shoots in HD with JVC ProHD Cameras (August '08)
Nationally Syndicated Show
Aqua Kids
shoots in HD with JVC's GY-HD110 Cameras
(July '08)
JVC Introduces Monitor Calibration Software for its Professional HD DT-V Series Monitors
(July '08)
JVC Promotes Hajime Yamasaki to Vice President, Security Division
(June '08)
Leading European HDTV Supplier Installs Over 500 JVC Professional Monitors in HDTV Production Vans (June '08)
KTOP Oakland, CA Relies on JVC's GY-HD250 (May '08)
JVC Develops 1.75-inch 8K4K D-ILA Device (Japan, May '08)
NAB 2008 Press Announcements (April '08)
JVC wins Security Industry Association Award at ISC-West (April '08)
ISC-West 2008 Press Announcements (April '08)
EH Expo Spring 2008 Press Announcements (March '08)
JVC Promotes Edgar Shane to General Manager, Engineering (March '08)
FARfromEarth Films director, Tim Cash uses his JVC HD100 Series camera to shoot short films, music videos, and other works (Feb'08)
Madison Media Institute Purchases GY-HD200 Cameras for Video Production Curriculum (Jan'08)
Miami Dolphins turn to JVC for production of 'Game Day Live' (Dec'07)
Recent software updates to Final Cut Pro® and DR-HD100 give ProHD the industry's fastest workflow (Dec'07)
America's Most Wanted relies on JVC's GY-HD200 cameras (December 2007)
D.P. Robert Adams travels throughout Africa with his GY-HD110 (November 2007)
Australian Film
Shot with JVC ProHD Camera Releases Worldwide on November 15 (November 2007)
EH Expo West Press Announcements (November 2007)
WTVR-TV (Raycom Media) Adds GY-HD250U's to Production Studios (November 2007)
Feature Film '
Shot in HD with JVC GY-HD250 (September 2007)
ASIS 2007 Press Announcements (September 2007)
CEDIA 2007 Press Announcements (September 2007)
Weigel Broadcasting Taps JVC GY-HD250 Cameras for
First Business
News Program Syndicated to 90 Affiliate Stations (Aug 2007)
Waterman Broadcasting Furthers Commitment to JVC ProHD with Purchase of GY-HD250 Cameras (July 2007)
Infocomm 2007 Press Announcements (June 2007)
Scripps Speeds Conversion to HD News with Adoption of JVC ProHD (June 2007)
Filmdesign Productions Shoots Rap Artist Film in HD with JVC ProHD GY-HD250U (June 2007)
Top Management Changes (Japan, 5/30/2007)
JVC at NAB 2007 (April 16, 2007)
JVC GY-HD250 Weathers Frigid Antarctic Conditions on Expedition Shot by Proud Line Pictures (April 2007)
JVC and Milestone Systems Partner to Boost IP Security Solutions Business (Mar 2007)
JVC Expands V.Networks Lineup with VR-N900U Video Recorder (Mar 2007)
JVC Adds Two New Mini-dome Cameras to IP Security Lineup (Mar 2007)
WireImage chooses JVC ProHD to provide entertainment industry with high-quality photography and interviews (Mar 07)
Writer/Director/Producer, Chris Cashman and DP, Darren Leis shot feature film
with JVC ProHD camera (Mar 07)
LegionProduction Services utilizes JVC ProHD equipment for high-definitionvideo and post-production services to clients in US and abroad (Mar 07)
Young filmmaker, Andy Blum, uses JVC ProHD to shoot
, a short documentary (Mar 07)
Director Greg Steiner chooses JVC ProHD for comedy feature "Bumping Off Burt" (Mar 07)
Oscar winner 'An Inconvenient Truth' shot with JVC's ProHD Camera. Exclusive interview with director Davis Guggenheim (Feb 2007)
KOSA-TV in Odessa, TX PurchasesJVC ProHD Cameras
(Feb 2007)
MediaAlert: Five Points Productions' Commercial Shot with JVC ProHDCamcorder Wins Doritos' Crash the Super Bowl Competition
(Feb 2007)
WJW-TV in Cleveland Purchases JVC GY-HD250UProHD Cameras
(Feb 2007)
JVC Expands Rear Projection TV Line Up withTwo New High Resolution Models
(January 2007)
WLS-TVChicago Purchases JVC GY-HD250U Cameras to Provide Live RemoteBroadcasts in HD
(January 2007)
TheNew School Purchases 8 GY-HD110 ProHD Cameras for Department of MediaStudies and Film
(January 2007)
Shot in HD with JVC GY-HD110U (January 2007)
JVCHosts HD House Held During Sundance Film Festival (January 2007)
WXYZ-TV (ABC, Detroit) Purchases JVC'sGY-HD250U cameras (December 2006)
DocumentaryFilmmaker Pushes JVC GY-HD100 to Limit on 30-day Shoot in ThailandJungle
JVC Professional and Trident Tek ContinueOEM and Development Relationship
EHX West 2006: JVC Breakthrough Home CinemaProjector DLA-RS1 Delivers 15,000:1 Native Contrast Ratio
EHX West 2006: JVC Reference Series DisplayDelivers Optimum HD Viewing Experience (November 2006)
DVExpo 2006: JVC Professional Announces GY-HD200U ProHD Camcorder(November 2006)
DVExpo 2006: JVC Expands Display Line with HD Flat Panel Monitors(November 2006)
IndieWestern Film 'SIXGUN' Shot with JVC HD GY-HD100U (November 2006)
JVC Announces Firmware Upgrade for BR-HD50UProHD VTR (November 2006)
JVCIntroduces SR-DVM700US to Professional Combo Deck Line-up (November2006)
"Carts"Feature Film Shot with JVC Pro HD GY-HD100U Camcorder (November 2006)
Action/ThrillerFilm 'Adrenaline' Shot in One Take with JVC GY-HD100U (October 2006)
JVCProfessional Expands ProHD Lineup with Multipurpose GY-HD250U Camcorder(October 2006)
ASIS2006 Press Releases (Sepember 2006)
CEDIA 2006: JVC Announces New DisplayTechnology that Delivers 10000:1 Native Contrast Ratio (Sep 2006)
CEDIA 2006: JVC Expands D-ILA Projector Linewith Three Digital Video Processors (Sep 2006)
CEDIA 2006: JVC Professional ProjectorsFeature DVDO® High Performance Processor at an Affordable Price(Sep 2006)
CEDIA 2006: JVC Offers Reduced Pricing forits D-ILA Home Theater Projector Line (Sep 2006)
CEDIA2006: JVC Professional and Silicon Optix Team Up to Offer Projectorswith HQV Video Processing Engine (Sep 2006)
CEDIA 2006: JVC Announces Lower Pricing onits Rear Projection TV’S (Sep 2006)
ACMECommunicatons upgrades TV stations to JVC HD (Sept. 06)
INFOCOMM2006: JVC Expands D-ILA System Line-up, Restructures Pricing on PopularHome Theater Projectors (June 06)
INFOCOMM 2006: JVC Introduces new 40-inchLCD Monitor: GM-H40L2G
NAB2006 Presskit (April 06)
Wireimagechooses JVC ProHD Camcorders for Entertainment Event Coverage (April 06)
WDAY-TVadopts ProHD GY-HD100U's for Electronic News Gathering (April 06)
JVCand AVAD partner to expand D-ILA with distribution agreement (April 06)
ISC-WestPress Releases (April 06)
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